Regardless, this December we got to do our annual visit to Rock City--Enchanted Garden of Lights, which is where Phil and I became engaged and I believe this is our 5th visit. To me this kicks off our holiday season, so if we are not there to go the days after Thanksgiving then we make the trip in early December so we get the jolt of cold weather coupled with the lights.
We decorated our tree. I used red again this year and honestly only half heartedly decorated our house, but that's a discussion for another post. Since my heart wasn't into making our home look "holiday perfect" I had a good time adding some pink feathers, lime green glittery bows, and giant lime green poinsettas to the decorating scheme. It honestly reminds me of a tree from Dr. Seuss' Grinch movie, but it grew on me and by this point I love it!
This station played Christmas music and we sang our hearts out everytime we got in the car. Phil got into it too! Honestly, I haven't had my fill and am still listening to the old, Christmas favorites.
I got to see my first actual snowfall! I realize those of you who live in it are less than amused, but Phil and I were so excited that we drove up to Covenant College where the largest accummulation usually is so that we could really enjoy it. We didn't realize they had changed the forcast and we nearly got stuck there on the mountain, but thanks to his 4 wheel drive and driving skills we made it safely down on the only road they hadn't closed yet. Whew! And sweet Lucy slept through the entire fun of snowmen and snow ball fights!
Then we had Christmas with our sweet, sweet. She didn't really understand the concept of gifts this year, but she did like the bows and the presents once they were unwrapped. In fact the wrapped presents didn't get unwrapped until about 5:30pm once she slept off her grouchy of Christmas morning. I guess if you wake me up and slap me on a Sit and Spin I may not be pleasant either. Regardless, she was fairly mesmerized with all of it this year and I loved it. This was after she got all of her Yo Gabba Gabba, Dora, and of course Elmo toys. She was just amazed! I think she's perfect.
Obviously we had a wonderful Christmas season! While I hate to put away the decorations for another year and am forced to welcome in January and 2011, December knows it will always have my heart. ;)